Saturday, May 11, 2019

Alzheimer's disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Alzheimers disease - Essay ExampleIt has a ho-hum development and normally starts after the age of sixty (Medline Plus, 2010). The short-term memory is disturbed while long-term memory is still there. The patient starts losing control over his language, reading and writing skills. He begins to forget the name calling of acquaintances, relatives or even members of the family. When the disease starts getting worse, the patient may even forget how to eat, drink or go to toilet. Stage 1, mild stage, has symptoms comparable losing way, trouble in calculating bills, asking something repeatedly, taking long-range to perform daily tasks, putting things in weird places, and showing attitude problems. Stage 2, moderate stage, shows symptoms like requiring assistance in performing daily tasks, forgetting modern happenings and acquaintances, mixing up distant past with recent past, having language problems, and wandering away. Stage 3, severe stage, has symptoms like being unable to feed on eself, control intestine and urinary movements, speak, read, write or recognize members of the family. Memory vanishes away totally (American Health Assistance Foundation, 2010). References American Health Assistance Foundation. (2010). Alzheimers symptoms & stages. Alzheimers Disease Research.

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